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          The consumer health report

          HOW TO BREAK CONVENTION IN CONSUMER HEALTHCARE INSIDE The forces shaping the category in 2024 3 strategies to shake things up 5 ways to stand out with a convention-breaking mindset

          The consumer health report - Page 1

          1 E R A C H T L A E R H E MTHE FORCES U S N O N C N I O I T N E V NSHAPING THE K CO A E R O B W T O H CATEGORY Picture a brand in the consumer health space. Toothpaste. Painkillers. Even acne cream. Chances are we’re all seeing something similar. Branding in consumer health often feels like IN 2024 it’s on autopilot; we all nod along to familiar narratives and the same visual tropes. These kinds of brands exist within a space we call ‘Medical Authority’: unemotional, somewhat masculine, and of course deeply trustworthy. The brand is the saviour – a rational expert that knows best. It’s about arrows and targets, static layouts, sober colours, and technical claims. Lots of them. But such a relatively conventional category is at an inflection point – and for many reasons.

          2 E R A C H T L A E WHY THE 01 02 03 R H E M U S N O N CCATEGORY N I O I T N E V N K COIS AT AN A E CULTURAL SHIFTS ARE THE CATEGORY IS NATURALNESS AND R O B SHAPING THE NATURE BEING SHAKEN UP BY SUSTAINABLITY ARE W T O OF CONSUMER HEALTH NEW ENTRANTS MAKING THEMSELVES FELT H INFLECTION A growing global middle-class, ever The boundaries of consumer health Traditionally, such considerations increasing life expectancy, and a shift are increasingly porous and new have been peripheral to the consumer POINT from curative to preventative mindset entrants are introducing fresh narratives health space, coming a distant second means that people are willing and able and ways of showing up. to the hard must-haves of product to spend more on their health than ever Healthtech is reshaping expectations and pack functionality. In part, they before. of the consumer experience and the weren’t priorities. In addition to this, individuals aesthetics of technology. Health and But equally, natural and sustainability (especially in the West) are moving beauty brands are premiumising narratives were harder to align with away from an atomised model and telling stories of self-esteem. the category’s promise of personal towards a more interconnected one. Sports nutrition is driving a confident efficacy. However, just as they now Mind and body are increasingly enhancement narrative. All hail from permeate most areas of life, here too accepted as interrelated and mental very different spaces and bring with they are gaining a foothold. Naturalness health is inching towards becoming them a fresh and disruptive take on can be a benefit, not a compromise. And the equal partner to physical health. the category. for brands that profess to take care of And with increasing expectations their users, sustainability feels intuitive. of personal empowerment and These shifts make consumer health an an erosion of trust in established active and particularly interesting space authority, people are taking more to be working in. They’re transforming health-related decisions into their The boundaries of consumer consumer needs and expectations, and own hands. But it’s more than a health are increasingly opening up possibilities for how brands straightforward desire from people porous and new entrants are show up and tell their story. to be active agents of their health. The rise of personalised solutions introducing fresh narratives in this space requires them to be. and ways of showing up.

          The consumer health report - Page 3

          3 E R A C H T L A E R H E M U SHOW TO N O N C N I O I T N E V N K CO A E RSTAND OUT O B W T O HFOR THE RIGHT REASONS Looking across diverse categories, from OTC to oral health, skin health to period care, brands are leveraging three main strategies to stand out. Some timidly, some more boldly. Here’s what you need to know.

          4 E R A C H T L A E 3 STRATEGIES 01 R H E M U S N O N CTO SHAKE OPEN N I O I T N E V HUMANITY N K COTHINGS UP A E R O B This is all about heart. Where consumer W T health has typically been cold, detached O H and clinical, these brands are warm, human and personal. They major on harmony, empathy and empowerment. Most disruptive of all, they create a space that allows for joy and play. Their efficacy promise is a simple one: ‘Trust us, we’ll make you feel better’. Warm, human and personal, these brands create a space for joy and play. Leading examples include acne brand Starface with its playful neon yellow packaging and bubbly typography, or Zing toothpaste with its quietly joyful nostalgic look. But we can also see glimmers of it in Femfresh wipes’ tropical illustrations, bringing warmth and a smile to their pack.

          5 E R A C H T L A E 3 STRATEGIES 02 R H E M U S N O N CTO SHAKE REFINED N I O I T N E V AESTHETIC N K COTHINGS UP A E R O B Where consumer health brands W T typically relegate the look and feel O H to the functional task of supporting information communication, these brands make it their raison d’être. They draw inspiration from the worlds of art, beauty and home décor. Calm, precise and in control, they exude taste and refinement: these are products to display proudly on a shelf, not hide away in the medicine cabinet. After all, good health is a thing of beauty. Calm, precise and in control, these brands exude taste and refinement. Brands that sit within this territory include La Roche-Posay, clean make-up brand Caliray and health brands returning the compliment and taking inspiration from the beauty space (e.g. Fewe, a period wellness brand that would be at ease on the duty-free perfume counter).

          6 E R A C H T L A E 3 STRATEGIES 03 R H E M U S N O N CTO SHAKE TECHNOLOGICAL N I O I T N E V AWE N K COTHINGS UP A E R O B ‘Technological Awe’ reframes science, W T from the medical to the technological. O H Brands in this space are sleek, fluid and delicately detailed. They draw inspiration from the worlds of digital and science fiction. It’s about advanced engineering, crafted with near atomic precision. It speaks to intelligent design and ultimate performance. And it feels marvellous and awe-inspiring. This is about advanced engineering, crafted with near atomic precision. The poster child for this movement is Oral-B (whose toothbrushes are depicted almost spaceship-like). But subtler echoes can be found everywhere, from Panadol’s alien-like lozenge to Durex Nude’s ephemeral other-worldly packs.

          7 E R A C H T L A E 5 WAYS TO 01 03 04 R H E M U S N LOOK AT WHAT EVERYONE GET CLOSE(R) CONSIDER ALL O N CSTAND OUT ELSE IS DOING – AND TO YOUR ELEMENTS OF N I O CUSTOMER YOUR BRAND MIX I STEER CLEAR T N E V N K CO Avoid falling into the trap of Use insight to provoke and challenge. The greats stand out through A WITH A E R unthinkingly taking on generic category Observe what’s happening, understand more than visual appeal alone: O B codes. Identify what you want to avoid how people think and feel, and explore they elicit an emotional response W T and make a conscious choice about anything that feels quirky or interesting. through the visual, the verbal and the O H what your brand stands for. And chase And speak to those who feel unusually aural. And don’t forget the CONVENTION the edge cases – the brands that are passionate about your product – they power of sonic branding and its role doing weird, wonderful, intriguing things. may well hold clues as to what you in creating an immersive, memorable If it feels different, it’s interesting. Ask need to be dialling up or down. brand experience. yourself: ‘What are they doing? What -BREAKING are they tapping into to tell their story? How do they make it work?’ MINDSET 02 05 LOOK BEYOND ADOPT A THE CATEGORY CHALLENGER MINDSET The meteoric rise of water brand The greats stand out through Liquid Death shows why taking cues more than visual appeal alone: from other categories works – even they elicit an emotional response those you assume are diametrically through the visual, the verbal and the opposed to your own. It took packaging aural. And don’t forget the inspiration from beer brands to achieve power of sonic branding and its role brand stand-out; pet food brand Zola in creating an immersive, memorable Chow, in a similar vein, adopted design brand experience. language that typically feels more at home on a human diet product.

          8 E R A C H T L A E R H E M U S YOU DON’T NEED N N CO N I O I T N E V N K CO A E R TO BE BOLD. O B W T O H BUT YOU DO NEED TO BE BRAVE. Consumer health is evolving. For some brands, this is a concern. What was once a dominant position and aesthetic will start to feel peripheral and old fashioned. Others, we hope, will embrace this new lease of creativity and freedom, and make the most of its opportunities.

          9 ABOUT US WHO WE WORK WITH E R A C H T L A E WE’RE A GLOBAL R H E M U S N O N CBRAND & DESIGN N I O I T N E V N K CO A E CONSULTANCY R O B W T O H We use thoughtful design to inspire progress for business, people and society. A HOLISTIC OFFER GLOBAL REACH A LEGACY IN BRAND - We’re the brand and AND DESIGN - Brand strategy design network for Havas, - Founded in 1957 by - Brand design one of the world’s leading Sir Terence Conran, - Experience design communications groups we bring decades of - Communication & - We’re 250 people design experience to engagement working across studios everything we do. in London, Paris, Mumbai - We live our founder’s and New York legacy by using design to drive progress – for everyone.

          The consumer health report - Page 10

          10 E R A C WE INSPIRE PROGRESS ACROSS H T L A E R HTHE BRAND LIFE CYCLE E M U S N O BRAND STRATEGY N C N I O Providing holistic brand and design solutions I T N E V at any point in your brand’s journey. N K CO A E R O B TY I L I I N W T B T A E O N G H I RA A T T S E U D BRAND STRATEGY BRAND DESIGN S - Research & insight - Visual & verbal identity PARTNERSHIP BRAND COMMUNICATION ACROSS CLIENTS’ - Purpose, vision & mission - Naming & ENGAGEMENT DESIGN - Proposition & positioning - Motion & sonic identity BRAND LIFE CYCLE - Brand architecture - UI & UX - Values & personality - Pack design SUS ED - Messaging - Brand guardianship T T AI RA - Employer brand NABILITY INTEG EXPERIENCE DESIGN COMMUNICATION & ENGAGEMENT - Customer journeys - Corporate communications - Branded environments strategy - Signature experiences - Corporate reporting EXPERIENCE DESIGN - Digital ecosystems & content - Content creation & - Launch & activation management - Brand experience innovation - Employee, investor & stakeholder engagement

          The consumer health report - Page 11

          11 E R LOCATION CONTACT A C H T L A E 8th Floor, Havas Village London R H E 3 Pancras Square M U S GET IN N London N1C 4AG O N C N I O I T N E V N Nathan Watts K CO A E Head of Consumer R TOUCH O B [email protected] W T O H Tom Dodd Senior Business Development Manager [email protected]

          The consumer health report - Page 12