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      Brand Experience Playbook

      How to escape the confines of product and build a fanbase of lifelong brand advocates

      THE BRAND EXPERIENCE PLAYBOOK How to escape the confines of product and build a fanbase of lifelong brand advocates INSIDE  H ow Red Bull became a subcultural powerhouse  W hy brand experience matters  H ow to identify the right ‘total brand experience’ for your audience  F rom Dyson to Pampers: nine brands finding novel ways to connect with audiences Why brand experience matters: How to escape the confines of product and build a fanbase of lifelong brand advocates 1

      Brand Experience Playbook - Page 1


      2 K O O B THE RED BULL PHENOMENON: Y A PL CE N HOW TO BECOME A SUBCULTURAL E I PER X E D POWERHOUSE N A R B E H T Decades ago, one brand broke away from Spectacularly exemplified by Red Bull, total brand the confines of the fizzy drink category experience is a desirable end goal for brands looking to to become a subcultural powerhouse, become category leaders and drive more value beyond TOTAL BRAND EXPERIENCE IS what can be derived from products alone. synonymous with energy, risk and adventure. A DESIRABLE END GOAL FOR Total brand experience can be an attractor, but its power While watching brave folk gamble with their lives, even lives in building retention and loyalty. Brands using BRANDS LOOKING TO BECOME the most risk-averse consumers could feel part of an this strategy are looking beyond traditional marketing CATEGORY LEADERS. adventure and a community of action sports lovers. channels to connect with audiences, building on their Founding its phenomenal power in the minds of those core brand positioning to drive brand experience across seeking enjoyment from extreme pursuits, Red Bull’s the long term and using brand as the compass to guide wide-ranging sponsorship strategy backed racing teams consistency, familiarity and deeper meaning. and other extreme sporting events and professionals, And it’s not just critical for brands wanting to foster a while giving amateurs the chance to participate in Soap spirit of adventure. Regardless of the brand’s objectives Box, Flutags and Esports events. –whether your product offers comfort and well-being or This was a brand experience that created novel enables personal betterment or self-expression – it’s the spectacle, ‘gave wings’ to daring competitors and, ‘total’ brand experience that connects your product to the in turn, established the brand as a global icon. daily life of the consumer.

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          3 K SOCIAL DISCONNECTION UNCERTAIN FUTURES O O B F OUR TRENDS DRIVING Y A The proliferation of social media and Driven by technological, political and PL CE technology has led the world to feel environmental unknowns, consumers N THE NEED FOR TOTAL E I fragmented and disconnected. Consumers are feeling complex emotions around PER X worry that AI will lead to the loss of human what the future holds. Here, brands E D BRAND EXPERIENCE N A interaction and are placing more value on can provide stability, reassurance and R B E interpersonal relationships than ever before. familiarity with their products, services H T Against this backdrop, brands can help and actionable advice. Brands across sectors are turning to total brand experience in response people find connection. to four cultural shifts. LOSS OF IDENTITY RECOGNITION THAT HEALTH With society in flux, there’s a growing focus IS WEALTH on introspection and self-exploration among The past few years have left consumers consumers; knowing what we individually more preoccupied with their physical and stand for and what’s important to us has mental health than ever. Strained healthcare become ever-more important. Consumers systems have left consumers searching for are favouring brands that reflect their holistic approaches to their well-being, while identity and values, with 80% saying they the over-commercialisation of health and “make an effort” to buy from companies wellness (or ‘wellness-washing’) has come that support causes important to them under fire from more sceptical audiences. (source: Kantar). In response, brands In the health and wellness category, brands must remain authentic and be prepared must help consumers play a more active to balance increasing demands from role in their own health and do so in a way consumers and wider society – something that feels empowering and accessible. our Citizen Brands study also supports.

          Brand Experience Playbook - Page 4

          4 K O How are leading brands engaging audiences O B H OW TO IDENTIFY Y A through their experience platforms? PL CE N THE RIGHT TOTAL E I Which techniques are they deploying to create the PER X stickiness needed to keep consumers engaged? We’ve E D BRAND EXPERIENCE: N identified three broad categories that address consumer A R B needs across the functional and emotional spectrum. E H THE BRAND EXPERIENCE T SPECTRUM MORE FUNCTIONAL MORE EMOTIONAL Direct link and Topics and activities Focus on brand-building focus on product adjacent to product and culture

          5 MORE FUNCTIONAL MORE EMOTIONAL K O O B THE TOTAL BRAND EXPERIENCE Y A PL CE N PRIORITY ONE: FOCUS ON PRODUCT E I PER X E D N A R B E H T Ask yourself: Leaders of the pack - Do customers want to learn more and do more with the product? Dyson La Roche-Posay Oral-B - Could they get more value out of MyDyson allows users to control La Roche-Posay offers Effaclar Oral-B makes brushing fun by the product? their products remotely and offers Spotscan, an AI skin analyser gamifying the bedtime routine, - Do they need support in making the seamless activation: users can that provides personalised skincare leveraging content collaborations right decision with the product? schedule device operation times routines to help provide highly with brands like Disney, as well and monitor room temperature and tailored product recommendations. as offering interactive AR content. - Do they need to feel more in control ambient conditions. MyDyson also of the product? includes video tutorials and hassle- Help your customers make everyday free troubleshooting for those looking tasks a little easier, and provide expert to get the most out of the product. knowledge and ways for them to save money and time. Brands in this space are looking to optimise the use of their products by providing maintenance guidance, product education or offering a connection to the wider brand community.

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                      6 MORE FUNCTIONAL MORE EMOTIONAL K O O B THE TOTAL BRAND EXPERIENCE Y A PL CE N PRIORITY TWO: GET INVOLVED WITH TOPICS E I PER X E D AND ACTIVITIES ADJACENT TO PRODUCT N A R B E H T Ask yourself: Leaders of the pack - Do customers need help with a routine? - Are they looking to improve their lifestyle? Huel Pampers Always - Would they benefit from the support The Global Huel Forum invites Alongside its community club offering Always allows its customers to of a wider community? ‘Huelers’ from around the world parenting tips and product discounts, track their period cycles, provides to share their personal fitness Pampers helps parents and babies habit-building advice to support Provide your customers with the tools they journeys, and discuss and exchange achieve a better night’s sleep with wellness, and promotes app use need to make lifestyle improvements or ideas and advice. its Smart Sleep Coach app. in exchange for Always donations meet like-minded people. Brands playing to end period poverty. in this space are organisers and motivators, offering personalised advice or experiences that help consumers develop their passions and interests.

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                          Current Time 0:00
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                                  7 MORE FUNCTIONAL MORE EMOTIONAL K O O B THE TOTAL BRAND EXPERIENCE Y A PL CE N PRIORITY THREE: FOCUS ON E I PER X E D BRAND-BUILDING AND CULTURE N A R B E H T Ask yourself: Leaders of the pack - Do customers want new, unique or exclusive experiences or opportunities? Coca-Cola adidas Duolingo - Are they looking for entertainment? Coke Studio hosts immersive music adidas Community is an education duolingo Podcast, part of - Is your brand an important part of the experiences across the UK and platform that enables the brand to Duolingo Labs, offers multilingual customer’s lifestyle? Europe, featuring breakthrough play a larger role in people’s lives, cultural content and stories global artists and bringing together offering exclusive courses and to support language learning Provide unique and exclusive experiences communities of music lovers. mentorships to consumers; in in its through entertainment. and opportunities, and open up a world words, it creates words, it creates of entertainment for consumers. Brands “opportunity, access and impact playing in this space are breaking away for the next generation of pioneers from the product experience, encouraging and rulebreakers”. creativity and embedding brand into a wider cultural phenomenon.

                                  Brand Experience Playbook - Page 8
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                                  Duration 1:01
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                                      Current Time 0:00
                                      Duration 12:56
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                                          Duration 2:34
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                                          Remaining Time 2:34
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                                              9 K O O B D OES ‘TOTAL’ NEED TO BE Y A PL CE N FUNCTIONAL AND EMOTIONAL? E I PER X E D N A R B E H T Brands with fewer barriers to entry and wider Brand experience as a relationship builder global appeal are more inclined to tap into Brands need to understand the needs and desires emotional needs, while those that require of their consumers, while consumers should have an appreciation of the role the brand is playing in user knowledge to fully harness product their lives, their communities and in the wider world. benefits are offering more functional total The total brand experience is a vehicle to nurture this brand experiences. relationship, hero the brand’s personality and ethos, and turn customers into lifelong brand advocates. Variations on community and enhanced technical demonstrations are driving brands like Dyson to support consumers to get more out of their products and services. Others go further by tapping into the wider world of their CONSUMERS SHOULD HAVE AN consumers’ lives, while more sophisticated operators like APPRECIATION OF THE ROLE THE Pampers are designing holistic total brand experiences that stretch across both functional and emotional needs BRAND IS PLAYING IN THEIR to play a larger role in people’s lives. LIVES, THEIR COMMUNITIES Meanwhile, brands like adidas are capitalising on the AND IN THE WIDER WORLD. opportunities of brand experience to create their own cultural movements, driving their brand purpose to provide unconventional and differentiated engagement that brings people together and provides a sense of belonging.

                                              Brand Experience Playbook - Page 10
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                                                  10 ABOUT US WHO WE WORK WITH YBOOK WE’RE A GLOBAL THE BRAND EXPERIENCE PLABRAND & DESIGN CONSULTANCY We use thoughtful design to inspire progress for business, people and society. A HOLISTIC OFFER GLOBAL REACH A LEGACY IN BRAND - We’re the brand and AND DESIGN - Brand strategy design network for Havas, - Founded in 1957 by - Brand design one of the world’s leading Sir Terence Conran, - Experience design communications groups we bring decades of - Communication & - We’re 200 people design experience to engagement working across studios everything we do. in London, Paris, Mumbai - We live our founder’s and New York legacy by using design to drive progress – for everyone.

                                                  Brand Experience Playbook - Page 11

                                                  11 YBOOKWE INSPIRE PROGRESS ACROSS THE BRAND LIFE CYCLE BRAND STRATEGY Providing holistic brand and design solutions THE BRAND EXPERIENCE PLAat any point in your brand’s journey. TY I L I I N B T A E N G I RA A T T S E U D BRAND STRATEGY BRAND DESIGN S - Research & insight - Visual & verbal identity PARTNERSHIP BRAND COMMUNICATION ACROSS CLIENTS’ - Purpose, vision & mission - Naming & ENGAGEMENT DESIGN - Proposition & positioning - Motion & sonic identity BRAND LIFE CYCLE - Brand architecture - UI & UX - Values & personality - Pack design SUS ED - Messaging - Brand guardianship T T AI RA - Employer brand NABILITY INTEG EXPERIENCE DESIGN COMMUNICATION & ENGAGEMENT - Customer journeys - Corporate communications - Branded environments strategy - Signature experiences - Corporate reporting EXPERIENCE DESIGN - Digital ecosystems & content - Content creation & - Launch & activation management - Brand experience innovation - Employee, investor & stakeholder engagement

                                                  Brand Experience Playbook - Page 12

                                                  12THANK YOU LOCATION CONTACT YBOOK 8th Floor, Havas Village London Nathan Watts 3 Pancras Square Head of Consumer London N1C 4AG [email protected] Tom Dodd Senior Business Development Manager [email protected] THE BRAND EXPERIENCE PLA

                                                  Brand Experience Playbook - Page 13